Adam Smeigh

Adam Smeigh Headshot
Vice President of Sales and Solutions
Vice President of Sales and Solutions

In his role as Vice President of Sales and Solutions at J.Lodge, Adam brings extensive experience of delivering impactful contact center monitoring solutions to the business development role. Prior to transitioning to his role in sales, he spent his first 7 years at J.Lodge directing client quality programs, providing strategic insights across a variety of industries including healthcare, utilities, consumer products, and telecommunications. Adam has a passion for clients achieving massive success from the efficient use of human analysis with speech analytics.

Quick Wins: Achieving Results in the First 90 Days
November 5, 2019
Compass Rose West
1:30 PM  -  2:15 PM
Partner Demo: J.Lodge
November 6, 2019
Compass Rose West
1:45 PM  -  2:15 PM